My name is Andrea, I grew up in Indonesia as the daughter of two surfers in a tropical paradise. At an early age, I connected profoundly with the oceans, and all of its living creatures. However, humanity’s litter and pollution soon destroyed my paradise. For generations, my family blamed tourists and careless people for litter and big corporations and government entities for the pollution that destroyed what we had grown to love. At eighteen, I decided to enroll at the University of Hawaii, where I studied marine biology. My time studying in Hawaii helped me understand how different the world had become over the last few decades, as well as how many advancements have been made to combat environmental issues from previous generations. I learned that compared to society 50 years ago, social media had become largely irrelevant, and technology was now an invisible tool that helped us live our lives. I suppose people had truly realized how much change needed to happen in order to save our planet and all of it’s beauty, the world began to work together over this time to begin healing our environment. Large corporations and government bodies alike began advancing our technological abilities, intertwining what humanity created with what nature gave us to work together. This was especially prevalent in my field, since restoring the oceans was a big priority. At that point, I started dreaming of restoring the lush beauty and booming life of the Indonesian coastline back home. I just graduated in marine biology and I...
[[accept an internship which focuses on helping restore previously declining populations of sea creatures, studying their behaviour and how they interact with the tech made to assist them|plot 1]]
[[accept an internship focusing on rebuilding the coral reefs and other marine habitats which were previously dying, using tech to repair and restore organic matter|plot 2]]
I began my first day in the pacific coast kelp forests, using an underwater surveillance drone monitoring a new harbor seal family, watching their pups play hide and seek with the drone as it scanned them for their daily health checkup. After gathering the data for the pups, I spent the evening focusing on rebuilding a section of a kelp forest in the pacific, diving in, I could print the kelp from the ocean floor up; creating a perfect environment for creatures who need it for shelter, camouflage, or even food.
Due to a large surge in marine life in the area, attributed to the efforts of restoring their habitat, diving suits are made to boost our underwater speed, agility, strength, etc. though, these suits also attract attention. you feel like you're being watched…. Do you camouflage your suit to blend in or do you choose a fluorescent colour to stand out and avoid being mistaken for prey?
[[choose to camouflage | plot 1 decision 1 choice 1]]
[[stay safe and stand out | plot 1 decision 1 choice 2]]
A couple of days pass. I wake up to a call from my mother, when I answer shes in hysterics. Inebtween sobs I’m able to make out the words shes trying and failing to get out clearly. Something is wrong with the ocean back home, something terrible. She explains sea creatures washing up on the shore, a foul odor emitting from the water, among other nightmares. After hanging up with her I receive a call from my team leader. My team picked up readings of a major pollution event off the coast of Indonesia late last night, possibly a mishap with a waste converting facility out there. They’re tasked with using technology to convert trash and hazardous everyday materials like oil and batteries into electricity, they do amazing work but mistakes can happen to anyone anywhere.
Our team leader informs us my team and I are being flown out to help with cleanup. Upon arrival my team notices a large amount of trash and recycling in the water among liquid waste like oils and other chemicals, we choose to split up tasks. I can: remove trash from the reef or purify the corals.
[[Remove trash|plot 2 choice 1]]
[[Purify the corals|plot 2 choice 2]]
we use advanced suits and mechanical grabbers which key us quickly pull trash and collect it, covering a large distance quickly removing and sorting trash from recyclables. After a couple hours half the reef has been cleaned.
After finishing our cleanup, we encounter a large amount of bleached coral from a previous unattended pollution event, do my team and I notify the local cleanup team and leave it for the local team to restore, going home for the day or do we handle it ourselves. I want to be able to check on my family and reassure the locals, though I shouldn't ignore something as serious as this.
[[leave it for the local team|plot 2 choice 1 choice 1]]
[[Handle it ourselves|decision 3 choice 2]]
We use a reader to test the surrounding water and create a mix to balance the acidity, ph, etc. of the water. We can then use a large machine to release the correctly balanced water throughout a 2 mile radius to counter the oils, chemicals, and other contaminants. After a few hours, over half the affected area reads normal levels.
After finishing our cleanup, we encounter a large amount of bleached coral from a previous unattended pollution event, do my team and I notify the local cleanup team and leave it for the local team to restore, going home for the day or do we handle it ourselves. I want to be able to check on my family and reassure the locals, though I shouldn't ignore something as serious as this.
[[plot 2 choice 1 choice 1]]
[[decision 3 choice 2]]
We choose to head home for the day, allowing the local team to restore the corals, though they weren't able to make it until tomorrow.
[[ending 1]]
We choose to handle it ourselves, using our tech to restore the proper ph and begin healing the coral. This allowed the entire surrounding area to begin restoring itself at once, though it put our team off the coast at our ship overnight.
Just as we begin heading back up to our ship to get as much sleep as we could before heading further down the coast the following day. Just then we discover a massive cave, bigger and deeper than the previous one I had ran into at the pacific. This one gave a strange feeling, I couldn’t tell if it was fear… or wonder. After discussing the possibilities, we decide that the potential discoveries are too valuable to ignore. We agree the decision to explore the cave feels like a significant turning point in our mission, one that could deepen our understanding of the ecosystem and inform our conservation efforts moving forward. But, should we send in drones and risk missing out on this experience or go in ourselves?
[[send in drones|plot 2 decision 4 choice 1]]
[[go in ourselves|plot 2 decision 4 choice 2]]
After contacting the local cleanup team, I reunited with my family that night. I spent time showing them pictures and videos of the creatures I encountered and explained the hard work we had been doing on the Pacific. However, after dinner I got a call from my team leader. She explained that the local cleanup team wasn’t able to make it until tomorrow mid-day, and our work in purifying the water quality was already being fast undone by the bleached coral. It wasn’t catastrophic, though I couldn’t help but imagine all the smaller ocean creatures that would suffer due to the poor water conditions.We carefully deploy a drone equipped with sensors into the cave. As it glides through the dark passageways, I feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. Documenting these findings feels crucial; this hidden gem is worth protecting. I can’t help but think about how this data will be instrumental in advocating for conservation measures.
I recognize the importance of collaboration with local teams who possess invaluable knowledge and resources, though I’m unsure if inviting more people into an unknown environment is a good idea or not. Wouldn’t I be risking their safety? What if they made the wrong calls? What if something happens to them? There's too many questions to think straight, but I have a decision to make. Do we invite the local exploration teams to collaborate on the discoveries in the cave? Or do we keep this as a mission for our team only?
[[NO, help with cleanup only|plot 2 decision 8 choice 1]]
[[YES, help with the exploration|plot 2 decision 8 choice 2]]
Fueled by curiosity, we decide to venture inside ourselves. With underwater lights and cameras, we navigate the dark waters carefully. As we swim deeper, I’m captivated by bioluminescent organisms illuminating the cave walls. The gentle sounds of the ecosystem envelop us, amplifying our sense of wonder. Each new species we encounter feels like a treasure. This hands-on exploration deepens my commitment to marine conservation and reinforces the importance of protecting these delicate ecosystems.
During a meeting, I presented our research on the pollution's impact on both the reef and cave ecosystems. This collaborative environment strengthens our mission, and together, we develop a coordinated strategy to combat pollution in the region. Though lacking the proper equipment to trek further into the cave, we’re forced to abandon it and focus on the cleanup.
[[ending|plot 2 ending 2]]
Understanding the value of local knowledge, we invite local exploration and cleanup teams to join our efforts. As they arrive, the readings we all obtain reveal a thriving ecosystem: rare species of fish and unique coral formations that have adapted to the dim light. Capturing photos and videos of these species is easier than ever with multiple teams. This collaboration enhances the funding we receive for our cleanup efforts and reminds us that environmental restoration is a shared responsibility.
As our mission progresses, the team is gathered for a crucial meeting to assess the effectiveness of our technology and its impact on our work. Spreading out our notes and data from the last few days, I can see the enthusiasm in everyone's eyes, but I also sense an underlying tension. We know that while we've made progress, we need to ensure our tools are up to the challenge.
[[Upgrade equipment|plot 2 decision 9 choice 1]]
[[stick with what we have|plot 2 decision 9 choice 2]]
Our team along with the local cleanup teams finish restoring the coastline after a couple of days, though we made no progress on further exploration into the cave. We’ll be moving on to another coastline in under a week to continue our effort into restoring marine health. I understand that we’ve done amazing work and this is the dream I dreamt of my entire life, though I can’t help but feel as the cave held something important that we’re missing… we choose to upgrade our equipment. recognizing the limitations of some of our technology. We research the latest advancements made in marine conservation and order new sensors that can provide more accurate readings. This decision prepares us for future missions, equipping us with the tools needed to tackle increasingly challenging environmental issues.
We reflect on our mission as the day winds down, we gather to reflect on our experiences and accomplishments. Everyone seems excited… though I don’t know exactly how I feel about everything
[[the glass is half full|plot 2 decision 10 choice 1]]
[[the glass is half empty | plot 2 decision 10 choice 2]]
I suggest we stick with our current technology, believing it has served us well so far. Instead, we focus on refining our techniques and building on our existing knowledge. We hold a workshop to brainstorm innovative ways to optimize our current tools, fostering creativity and resourcefulness. This decision emphasizes our belief in making the most of what we have while still achieving significant results.
We reflect on our mission as the day winds down, we gather to reflect on our experiences and accomplishments. Everyone seems excited… though I don’t know exactly how I feel about everything
I decide to celebrate our achievements. Everyone else seems to be on the same page; sharing stories and recognizing each team member's contributions. A sense of camaraderie fills the air as we recount our challenges and victories. This positive atmosphere boosts morale and reinforces our commitment to future missions. We take a group photo by the reef, capturing a moment of unity and dedication to protecting this beautiful environment.
[[ending 3]]
I decide to break the silence with a question, what else can we do? We engage in a serious discussion about the ongoing challenges we face in environmental conservation. We outline a plan for continued monitoring and restoration efforts, acknowledging that our work is far from over. This reflection propels us to initiate a long-term strategy that includes community outreach and education, ensuring our impact extends beyond our immediate efforts.
[[ending 3]]
Thanks to our collective efforts, the reef begins to show major signs of recovery, with vibrant coral and marine life returning to the area. The local teams express their gratitude for our collaboration, and together we establish a long-term partnership focused on preserving marine ecosystems. Our findings from the cave lead to new conservation initiatives, instilling hope for the future of this precious environment. I’m rewarded for my individual decisions and dedication with a marine team of my own, and the funding we need to continue our work on a larger scale. I choose to camouflage, selecting browns and greens that blend into the environment around me as I work. This causes many creatures to cross my path. Not to mention, seeing all of this life under the water reminds me of how important my work really is. The research learned from each scan helps expand their information database!
Paying more attention to my equipment and work than my surroundings, I encounter a large unrecognizable creature skulking around the kelp. The scanner I’m using can’t get a read on it from this distance… should I risk spooking it and get a closer look? yes or no
[[yes|plot 1 decision 2 choice 1]]
[[no|plot 1 decision 2 choice 2]]
I chose a bright unnatural color to stand out among the scenery, this helps avoid any encounters with predators. Allowing me to cover more ground much quicker, the more kelp restoration done the better! However, I begin to feel a little lonely underneath the water’s surface.
Paying more attention to my equipment and work than my surroundings, I encounter a large unrecognizable creature skulking around the kelp. The scanner I’m using can’t get a read on it from this distance… should I risk spooking it and get a closer look? yes or no
[[yes|plot 1 decision 2 choice 1]]
[[no|plot 1 decision 2 choice 2]] I send out an underwater drone to get a closer look. as the drone gets closer i notice the creature stopped moving, its staying still, almost focused on the drone. when the drone is almost close enough to scan the creature it speeds toward the drone, bumping it before fleeing. not knowing what the creature was, i decided to guide the drone back up to the surface.
After the creature disappears from vision, I realize it’s time to finish up the last section of forest and head back up to the team for the day. However, I discover a large cave. I alert the team, getting a response saying we could send in a device which tells us what ( if any ) ocean life lives there. Do we use it?
[[NO|plot 1 decision 3 choice 1]]
[[YES |plot 1 decision 3 choice 2]]the creature circles the drone as it stays still, until it slowly approaches the drone. The drone scanned it and I discovered it was a lone harbor seal we were previously unaware of! This means the forest is attracting younger seals from surrounding areas, allowing my team to monitor them.
After the creature disappears from vision, I realize it’s time to finish up the last section of forest and head back up to the team for the day. However, I discover a large cave. I alert the team, getting a response saying we could send in a device which tells us what ( if any ) ocean life lives there. Do we use it?
[[NO|plot 1 decision 3 choice 1]]
[[YES |plot 1 decision 3 choice 2]]After sending the device in, it displays the info on life within the cave. among many crustaceans, cephalopods, and small fish we discover this is a breeding ground for a rare species of large eel! We mark it as a protected area, and continue our task. knowing creatures like those we just saw through our readings depend on our work. My team leader praises us about our dedication, letting us know we’ll be the first she comes to for whatever the next project is.
[[plot 2]]
no, the cave looks pretty barren from the outside… we choose to instead ignore the cave and decide to head home for the day. Though I begin to wonder what could have been down there…
[[plot 1 ending 1]]
Despite our hard work, the pollution crisis continues to loom larger than comfortable. We decided to launch a campaign for global awareness, rallying communities to take action against pollution. Our mission transforms into a larger movement, inspiring others to join us in advocating for ocean health and sustainability. I decided that the coastline near my home is just as important as any other, and I still have a lot to learn. I began dedicating my career to the health of all the oceans regardless of their location. I hope our hard work can not just restore the ocean to how it was before we as a species affected it; but help it flourish more than it ever has.